The best Italian coastal towns to reach by train | Trainline       

        Coastal areas have very unique topography, and are formed primarily by plate tectonics. One serious threat to coastal areas is coastal erosion, which can result in extensive property damage as well as human adjustment. Coastal erosion is a natural process that occurs as a result of sediment along the coastline breaking off due to the tides, storms, or other natural events. 

        Italy sticks out from the European mainland in a shape similar to a boot. A majority of the country is located along the coast, with cities like Sorrento and Positano sitting on the 7500 km long coast. Because of this, much of Italy is prone to facing coastal erosion over time. Right now, the Italian coastline is facing significant amounts of erosion. The areas that have been the most effected are the river deltas, where a 10m/a year coastal retreat has been observed. Beaches are also slowly eroding, such as the Capacotta beach outside of Rome. With regions like Sicily and Campania sitting along the coast and at high-risk for erosion, what exactly can be done to slow down the process? 

        One step that can be taken is beach nourishment, which is the process of re-adding sediment to an eroding beach. By doing this, many of the Italian beaches and parts of the coast that have faced coastal erosion can slowly be replaced and grow. While erosion is unavoidable, stopping much of the urbanization along the coast is another potential solution for slowing down coastal erosion, as it's letting nature be. 



  1. This is very informative. I did my research on Portugal, and I see a few similarities between the country. Like Italy, Portugal also relies on beach nourishment to slow the costal erosion. Italy is surrounded by sea, so it makes perfect sense that the country is having such a significant issue with the erosion.

  2. Hi Megan, I love the mitigation efforts you mentioned in helping to preserve the beaches in Italy. When doing my research in Australia, I didn't see this mentioned as a mitigation effort anywhere! I wonder if this is a new method some countries are trying, or is Australia is just behind the game. Great post and looove the picture. It made me want to visit Italy ASAP.


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