Due to its location along the boundaries of the Eurasian and African tectonic plates, Italy is at high-risk for volcanic activity; in fact, it is the only country in mainland Europe to currently have any active volcanoes! In the past, Italy has had some of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in history, such as the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD. Located in Southern Italy near Naples, the top of the volcano erupted and propelled a 10-mile mushroom cloud of ash into the atmosphere over the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Those who weren't smothered to death by ashes were swallowed up by the pyroclastic surge that ran down the side of the volcano. The eruption resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 people, and caused the area to be abandoned and left in ruins for hundreds of years (History, 2020).   

Sicilian village cleans up ash, stones from Mt Etna eruption

Mount Etna seen erupting from a Sicilian town (Photo by Davide Anastasi, 2021). 

     The area most susceptible to volcanic activity is Southern Italy, most specifically the Campania region and Sicily - these areas are home to several of Italy's most active volcanoes, such as Phlegrean Fields and Mount Etna. The Aeolian Islands, located northwest of Sicily, also experience frequent volcanic activity, with Mount Stromboli being one of the world's most active volcanoes, erupting every 20-30 minutes (Volcano Discovery, 2021). 



  1. Hi Megan,
    The information you presented was very interesting. I found your research interesting because I am actually Sicilian. I also found it interesting how our countries are similar. My country is Spain and most of my volcanic activity is also on an island region within the state.
    Thank you again for sharing,
    Katrina Chapa

  2. Great research this week! What are their mitigation measures?

  3. Hey Megan, wow I didn't know that there are still currently active volcanoes in Italy. I also didn't know about Italy being the only mainland country in Europe to still have active volcanoes, interesting stuff

  4. Hey Megan, It is cool to read about my ancestors home every week in a clear and concise manner. Ive heard about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and its destruction. I didn't know that Sicily had one of the most active volcanos, every 20-30 minutes?! thats insane to comprehend, good work!

  5. I hadn't known that there was so much recent volcanic activity In Italy outside of Vesuvius; I find it fascinating how Mount Stromboli is this active, and I wonder how its landscape will develop.


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